PFI Advisors is proud to announce we have partnered with Stacey McKinnon, COO of Morton Capital for an industry research piece, “The New RIA Workplace.” While some RIAs were caught flat-footed when widespread stay-at-home orders were instituted across the country in March, most have reported a “better than expected” experience transitioning to working from home. With most technology tools now in the cloud, many RIAs did not miss a beat when employees fired up their internet-connected computers and logged into their typical applications. In fact, some RIAs found themselves not just surviving but thriving due to these changes. Communication with clients and their teams became more frequent, stressful commutes were eliminated (relieving one aspect of stress for many professionals), and RIAs took this chance to reevaluate their core infrastructure.
Our joint white paper reflects on this reality and asks the question “Will COVD-19 Change the Way We Work Forever?” We examine the pros and cons of working from home vs. working in an office environment and describe what the office of the future may look like. In collaboration with Stacey, we attempt to answer this question in a holistic fashion by focusing on what have always been the pillars of RIAs success: Leadership, Culture, and Infrastructure. We would like to thank Michael Kossman of Aspiriant, and Brandon McKerney of Colombia Pacific Wealth Management for their insight into this research.
To read the full report, click here.